Gerhard Fobe: Web & Development

Embedded EmotionML in XMPP with RDF

Within my master thesis “Serialisierung von Emotionen in der textuellen Kommunikation” (serialisation of emotions in the textual communication) I investigate about emoticons like smileys or emojis and the problems of this and other kinds of emotion representations during the interaction in a text based chat. One of the main things I did not know before is the different interpretation of emoticons based on a cultural level of a person. So in Germany the meaning of emoticons is identified mainly with the help of mouth and eyes. Japanese people using emojis most time interprete emoticons mainly with the help of the eyes next to arms. The mouth has little importance in this interpretation. Furthermore there are many other problems based on emoticons, because here is no standardisation. If you are using a graphical representation of an emoticon in a chat, you can see that the graphical representations and even sometimes the textual form is not equal between different messagers. Furthermore people use different kinds of network jargon in the daily communication. But also the network jargon is different in different cultural areas. So all in all there are many possibilities to missunderstand each other, because there are often not the same cultural base and experiences to interprete emotiocons in an equal way.So I decided to implement a prototype which transfers emotions next to plain text during a chat . In order to do this, I have to specify and develop a flexible and expandable architecture fist which aggregates the emotion of the user out of different sources (static text file, web service, emotion recognition sensors, …) to an EmotionML representation. In the next step I inspect how to extend to integrate EmotionML in a XMPP package. On top of this I decide to integrate in the EmotionML part to have a more clear and semantic view to the emotion I transferred next to the XMPP text message. In the focus of my prototype were the interaction with emoticons, so I decide to describe the emoticons I transfer with the help of the SmileyOntology,I found during my research. It was a pleasure to found also the EmotionOntology, so that I’m able to map also EmotionML via SmileyOntology and EmotionOntology to a well defined semantic emotion belonging to the text message I send within the same XMPP package.
To illustrate this I like to present a XMPP package my chat client prototype uses:

  • XMPP
  • EmotionML
  • Smiley Ontology
  • Emotion Ontology

<message from=''
  <emotion category-set="">
            <smiley:isAnimated rdf:datatype="&xsd;boolean">
    <category name="happyness" value="0.85"/>
  <body>I am happy.</body>

To be able to interact with EmotionML in a XMPP message I have to implement a EmotionML library for C# first. Feel free to use it.

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